Dear Lucy, I am enjoying your news letters, and I love the photo of Libby, and of course your video. Cassie turned 11 on 30th October, and she is still keeping well, even though she has several non cancerous fatty lumps and skin tags which are age related. We all seem to acquire these “barnacles” as we become older.
My other dog, Jessie, the Labrador curly coated retriever without curls, is 6 weeks older than Cassie, and she is doing ok too. We can’t do without our dogs, can we? We still have a few koalas in our area, but not as many as we had when we first bought our acreage 31 years ago. Anyway, even though bad things are happening in the world, we still have our dogs.
Have a very happy Christmas and a healthy and safe New Year. Keep up all your good work, and pats and cuddles for Libby. Kind regards, Cassie and Glynnis