
Montelle Prince Oscar September 2011 – December 2023
Our beloved Oscar passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by his family on 27 December 2023.
Oscar was quite simply the love of our lives. He is greatly missed by his human family and his younger “brother” Leo.
Oscar loved to play football, chase squirrels, go to the beach, play with his blankets, walk in the country park with human and doggy friends and go on holiday with his family to the north of Scotland.
Oscar was “Mr April”, starred on the back page of the Irish Terrier Calendar and appeared on the website on quite a few occasions.

We feel so blessed to have had Oscar for over 12 years and just wish it could have been for longer, however no length of time would have been long enough.

Meg (April 2008 to October 2022)
In Lovely Memory of Irish Terrier of ‘Meg’ – The Rainbow Bridge:
There is a bridge connecting Heaven & Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colours, Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole. They play together all day. There is only one thing missing: They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. Each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!
The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring!
And this one runs from the group.
You have been seen, and when you and your pet finally meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting friend, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together…”
Our beloved Meg has been a much-loved member of our family for 14 1/2 years.
From April 2008 to October 2022.

Our memories of our wonderful Irish Terrier will leave paw prints on our hearts forever ����

In lovely memory of
Meg Braddick
18.04.08 – 29.10.22
Mr Guinness 2011-2023
With great sadness we have said goodbye to our beloved Mr Guinness. It was an enormous privilege having him in our lives for 12 years,  a source of great fun and mischief, he provided us with endless laughs at his hilarious antics. He not only sustained us through the difficult moments he was a constant companion for our our daughters; he really was the best.
RIP our dear boy, thank you for being a friend, much love, Donna, Justin, Ruby & Polly Wilson x

I feel so sad, and I have tears running down my face as I write about our 16 1/2 year old girl, ‘Cassie’ who passed over the rainbow bridge 🌈  peacefully on the 29th of April 2022. I was holding her in my arms. Unfortunately, it was time to say goodbye to our beautiful girl, and it was devastating for us, but kindness for her.  She was such a beautiful and gentle girl who loved everyone, including the staff at the veterinary practice.  She was always a very co-operative girl, and we could do anything with her.  When ‘Lucy’, who is now 4 came into our lives as a young pup from Perth, Cassie adopted her at once and became a gentle kind mother and they became the greatest friends.  Lucy misses her terribly as well.  We will always remember our ‘Irish Eyes Are Smiling’ calendar girl as she will be in our hearts forever. She is now with her friend, “Jessie”, our beautiful black lab/curly coated retriever (who she grew up with) in doggie heaven.


Cassie ‘My Irish Eyes Are Smiling’ Calendar Girl


Cassie and Jessie. Jessie was Cassie’s great mate

Cassie cuddling young Lucy. Also in one of the calendars.


Tattie (9/5/08 – 21/8/20)

Our beautiful Tattie left us in August, cradled in my arms. She was the most devoted dog. She was funny, happy, beautiful, loving & obedient (mostly!).  She loved everyone she met & everyone loved her. She gave us over 12 years of pure joy and we are beyond heartbroken now that she has gone.  We will scatter her ashes in our garden that she so loved & we will treasure forever our memories.


Freddie Montelstar  (01.04.06 – 15.07.20)
We lost our dearest Freddie on the 15 of July at a ripe old age of 14 years and 3 months.  To say we were devastated is an understatement and we are still unable to walk around our village for fear of bumping into someone who may ask where our beautiful boy is because our tears come so very easily still.
Thank goodness the lockdown measures at the vets were eased and he was able to pass away in his favourite chair in our conservatory with both myself and my husband by his side.  He was ready and went off to sleep so very peacefully with us cuddling and kissing him until the very end,  he was the perfect gentleman right up until his very last breath and we took comfort from the fact that we were able to let him go at home and not at the vets without us by his side.
We took him ourselves to the pet crematorium in Royston that day and were so pleased on receiving his ashes a few day’s later. It was  absolutely wonderful to get our boy back home where he belongs.
Thank goodness we have our little Dolly she has helped us so much with our grief and the loss of our beautiful boy and although she was very sad and a bit lost for a week or so she seems absolutely fine now.

Red (21/07/04 – 05/04/20)
Red was loved by so many people. He had that something that reached everyone’s heart. He could speak volumes with every look ; so smart, so beautiful.
Red had a lovely long life. He was in his sixteenth year, born in July ‘04, and seemed very strong. He did show signs of age towards the end, his eyesight not so good, but he made up for it by his determination to please.






Lady Jess (23.8.06 to 22.11.19)

Much loved and will always have a place in our hearts . A special girl to all who knew her.

Brogan (Rarsnat Erois) 01.10.07-30.10.18 

With a mummy like Peanut it was no wonder Brogan grew up to be such a sweetheart. His Irish charm won everyone’s heart, he was loved by all and cherished within our family unit. There was never a dull moment with Brogan around, he adored small children and whenever our Niece Macie visited for the day, Brogan would shadow us, fighting the desire to snooze then after a full days play and certainly not until Macie had left the building would he collapse into his bed, satisfied he hadn’t missed anything!

There is no-one to patrol the garden fence now and protect the birds from pesky squirrels and cats, his spot on the decking lies empty.

Holidays are no fun without him to share them, he adored the beach, the feel of sand beneath his feet and maybe ‘the touch of the sea’, Brogan didn’t do water to the point where he would simply refuse to go out if it was raining beyond a drizzle.

We lost Brogan suddenly due to a hemorrhage whilst on holiday in Tenby, South Pembrokeshire which is like a second home to us and as devastating as it was to lose him in such a way we find some comfort in knowing he had his feet on the beach one last time in a place he loved.

We have lost our present opening assistant, Brogan would gently grab hold of the corner of wrapping paper then pull, once the paper was removed he would simply shred it and leave his work of art for us to admire-Christmas was the height of excitement for him! Our first Christmas without him was so empty and tidy.

He was notorious as the hot seat stealer, if anyone vacated their seat simply to visit the toilet for instance he would jump into it and pretend to be fast asleep upon their return.

When carrots are being chopped and the toaster pops he doesn’t come running.

Thank you for 11 wonderful years but it wasn’t long enough-we have lost our shadow, our friend, our protector, our beautiful boy-until we meet again Brogan from your devoted family, Sharon, Chris, Lucy and Gemma. xxx.





“I’ll do my best, with tears running down my face, but here goes:
How to describe? Fun, warm, friendly to a fault, selectively deaf, intrepid, my soul mate and best friend, my champion and without doubt the finest ginger fella that a man could wish for in his life.
Never to be forgotten and he leaves several broken hearts behind. Until we meet again, mate.
Steve Brown”






Digby – 2004 – 2018

Digby was a very special dog who was loved to bits and brought an enormous amount of fun into so many lives. He adored children and would always ‘smile’ when he met someone he liked His greatest pleasure was chasing (and catching!) pheasants in the garden. I think his greatest achievement, though, was being on the front cover of the Irish Terriers Calendar 2013. Digby was, without doubt, the best Irish terrier ever … but I expect every Irish terrier owner says that too!






We have so many happy times that we can look back on; his funny ways, his never-diminishing excitement when we got ready to go out for his walks, his outrage whenever he caught us taking an unshared snack, his strict adherence to the formalities of a proper goodnight cuddle and, most of all, his unwavering affection towards us.

Tom Climpson and Charlie Dore




Ernie – 2005 – 2017

The ginger prince,
You touched so many lives and made ours so much better. You’ll always be in our hearts. Alex, Martin, Freddie and Astrid.




Justin – 2002 – 2017

Crossing The Rainbow Bridge

In happy memory of Justin – Oudenarde Marshcourt  Justin time / 7.06.02 – 7.3.17

You’ve been my friend for 15 years

Now it’s time to hold back the tears

I’ll let you go but feel an irreplaceable loss

As I watch you head for the rainbow bridge to cross

It’s standing so bright after springtime rain

Goodbye old friend till we meet again

By Angela Goddard

Justin was born at my home. He had two brothers and two sisters. By the time he was three weeks old he’d made up his mind that he was my dog!

As prospective owners came to visit when the pups were five weeks old, Justin would sit with his back to everyone, ignoring them. As soon as they left he’d be his normal bouncy self.

At shows he would climb onto Lucy’s lap for a cuddle, she always called him ‘the boy’ and he had such a huge following.

All who met him remembered him, he did quite well in the show ring in his early days but then became a bit too ‘keen’ so was retired.

He then became my constant companion never leaving my side he didn’t have a day’s illness, in his entire life. In his last week’s his muscles wasted and he had trouble standing or sitting unaided.

It was time to say goodbye and I miss him desperately.

Justin (left) and Topaz (right)







James – 2017

Remembering James – Montelle Lord of the Ring

The picture of James standing in the poppy field has made him an iconic Irish Terrier representing the glorious Micks who served in the trenches in the Great War.

He was a charming dog and had a wonderful life with RAM and Inga in Dorset. He was more suited to being a pet than a show dog and was a beautiful dog full of character and intelligence. RAM and Inga adored him saying he was: “Such a decent chap, a really noble character who contributed so much to our lives in warmth and amusement, never to be forgotten.”

Ram still sings the song he wrote for him,

He was a handsome brown haired dog and Jamie was his name,
He was an Irish Terrier, a breed of much acclaim.
His bark was deep, his teeth were sharp,
His heart was full of joy,
And dearly dearly did they love that brown haired Irish boy.

He lived happily with the family cats and housemate Freddie. Like all Irish Terriers, he was devoted to the grandchildren, keeping guard as they slept as babies and playing so gently with them as they grew older.









Thank you Ram and Inga for all the lovely pictures of James which appeared very frequently over the years in our calendar.

Ginger – May 2016


Dear Lucy, I regret to tell you that our dear Ginger passed away in May at the age of 14. She had a very happy life (As did Stella and I in her company). Thank you for all the attention (including the annual calendars) you kindly devoted to Ginger and us down the years. Affectionately, Cal.


Cal McCrystal



Bodhi – 2016

Bodhi was a wonderful companion, who was friendly to all, very affectionate, inquisitive and playful – he was a great footballer, and always believed that nothing could be preferable to playing a game with him.

Claire and Eamon

tn_Bodhi relaxing

Bodhi Relaxing on the sofa

CHICO –  2002 – 2015

Gordon writes
“It has been a terrible wrench parting with our beloved Chico who lit up our lives for 13 years.
He brought to us more happiness and uncomplicated devotion than we could have ever foreseen.”

Chico had a moment of great glory in 2009 when he played ‘Tim the Railway Dog’ in the parade of ‘Heritage Dogs’ at Crufts.
Tim collected money on Paddington Station for the orphans of the widows of the soldiers lost in the wars.
Queen Victoria put a sovereign into his collection tin and the Paddington Gazette said “He behaved like a perfect gentleman.”

Well, so did our Chico who took it in his stride walking out in to the middle of the main arena surrounded by us mere mortals in full Victorian dress.


Chico, a 1st class dog!

Gordon played the Railway man and the pair of them stole the show!







 Murphy – 2000 – 2014


Murphy was my best friend for 14 years , I miss him so much .

R.I.P my beautiful Irish Terrier , until we meet again xxx

‘Dylan the Braveheart’


It was meant to be. I was to be house bound following an operation and Irish Terrier puppies were advertised in the Glasgow Herald.  Since my childhood love of Woof , the red toy dog with the straight legs and the beard, I had always known that an Irish Terrier was the dog for me.  So Dylan came to live with us in our homes beside dog heaven, the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow, and the in wilds of Donegal surrounded by beaches and lakes.  It was love all round and then Kevin was asked to move to work in Mexico.  I contacted Lucy reluctantly to ask about re-homing young Dylan and was given the advice I needed – dogs don’t have wrist watches or timetables, as long as they are comfortable on the journey and happy on arrival, he will be fine.  He was.  He emerged from the journey unfazed and adapted to the climate and he aroused curiosity in an area where dogs were not friends to be walked and played with.  Roberto, the young gardener who was employed as dog walker and companion when I had to return periodically to the UK, grew to love him and we were flabbergasted when the young Dylan floored the Mexican police officer who smashed Roberto’s head into the side of a car.

Dylan left home in Donegal on a hormonal mission a month ago and I found him 15 minutes later dead on the single track road nearby.  My handsome athletic boy stopped in his prime.  He was seven years old, just settling into life and becoming fully confident in the presence of water, livestock and large dogs, he no longer had anything to prove.  He is much missed by us, other family members who never trusted dogs before and friends on both sides of the water.

Our Lovely Molly – 2001 – 2013


Molly accepted us as her family from the day we collected her and it was meant to be…four became five and all she seemed to want was to be with us…any of us. She had a huge character and was a fantastic companion. She was equally at home out on Bodmin Moor, in the woods or curled up in front of the woodburner. Don’t cry because it’s over…smile because it happened…at least that’s what we are trying to do. Xx


Little did we know that when we introduced Dodger (Naranja Donal) to Brandy (Shallcomes Brianna) on January 6th after our return from England to collect her that we were to have only eight precious weeks left with Dodger. He hadn’t been well for about 4 months but until the last week was still enjoying his daily small pleasures and getting out into our garden, albeit unable to come on our walks anymore. Brandy is now almost 5 months old and is a lovely young lady. We are indeed fortunate aren’t we?


2001 – 2013


Dogs are family and Maddie was a big part of so many, she asked for nothing but love, walks and treats, she was always pleased to see you and loyalty was never an issue.  She was the matriarch of the household and kept everyone in order yet she could play like a child.

It’s the space and the memories she leaves behind that hurts yet this should be of some comfort to us.

She has had a good and happy life and was loved by so many. She has not had to suffer and she is at peace now.

We will all miss her.

Jig & Flynn

In memory of or dear little girl and our beautiful boy.  Jig and Flynn.

Unwanted due to disabilities and both abandoned in a service station together. They came to be with us in London.  Flynn, with his one eye, was unfazed by all challengers. Brave as he was handsome. He was, just …special.

Jig, how we love her so. Gentle Jig. She was our rock and Flynn’s sister. The reliable wise old soul and embodiment of love. Flynn’s anchor.

Their memory will live with us forever. My little ‘Woo Woo’ and ‘Dibbs’

Both her and her brother were rescues but we were the ones in need of rescuing upon their departure.

Nearly 3 years on and we are still having trouble writing this.

We miss them both so, but know they will always be with us.

Love doesn’t die. This can’t be taken from us xx

Scully Bear who passed to light on 12th September 2013

Our wonderful beloved Scully Bear passed to light on 12th Sept 2013, with all our love and hugs, Nick cradled her till the end and she passed peacefully. She was 13 and a half. Nick called her “Boo” and she is a great loss to our family and friends. She lived with us in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire and she loved the bluebells, rolling fields and especially when we went on holiday to the beach! She pulled us eagerly to feel the sand on her paws and swim in the sea. Scully was an absolute delight she made us laugh constantly. She adored her holey frisby and toys and brought them to us to play. She will be missed not only by us, but her doggy chums too! We miss her dearly she was the most lovable, huggable adorable Boo, she taught us so much, but most of all, to be better people. We will love her forever our beautiful Irish girl.

Love and Light

Debbie & Nick Arthurs



Abby, our first Irish Terrier, died last year at almost 14!  She was a Canadian Irish, born and bred in Canada (British Columbia – Kenwood) and she arrived in Toronto when she was 9 weeks and we loved her dearly. She arrived when our kids were 3, 5 and 7 and was well loved and everyone has wonderful memories of her. We miss her dearly.

This picture was taken in our back yard when she was 12.  As she got older she had a terrible fear of thunder and lightning. Over time that fear extended to cameras, we think the flash made her think it was lightening so it became almost impossible to get a photo of her. She would only have to hear, or see a camera and she’d head immediately head for the basement.  For this picture I was hiding in the house using a telephoto lens.



May 3 2001 – January 26 2013

Meg who had, in nearly 12 years, so many human friends that people are still asking us where she is.

More than a few tears were shed by locals in the pub on hearing of her departure even those who told us they were not really dog people.

It’s being an Irish that does it, no other breed seems to be able to communicate so much, they just keep coming up with new ideas and brighten up the day.

We would often turn round to see what she was up to on a walk only to find her in the middle of a family having just adopted them for a few 100 yards after all… we were just so boring !

Hated the rain as they do, would only paddle in water would refuse to get out of the car having travelled 3 miles to go for a walk too damp or was here yesterday attitude; however on the journey back stopping at a pub, did not hesitate in getting out !!

We miss her every day and will forever.

Jane and Steve Philebrown


Our beloved Oscar who passed away on the 8th of August. He was 12 years 1 month and one day old. He will be terribly missed and my wife myself and our two children Lilia and River are heartbroken.

Rory Rogers


January 27 1997 – February 1 2011


Newton was a big personality in a medium sized body. He expected and demanded to be an important part of our life and our daily activities. He was full of life and never boring. Newton was smart, confident, independent, feisty, adaptable, mischievous, playful, funny, sensitive, sweet and loving.

Newton was a lucky dog. He was a great traveler, so we took him along on trips whenever we could. We planned many of our vacations and weekends away with him because he was fun and easy to be with. He even flew cross-country to a beach house in North Carolina with us and enjoyed digging deep holes in the sand in the shade of an umbrella.

Newton was our wonderful and special companion. He left us with many memories. We will always laugh about his many stunts and shenanigans. He changed our lives. We will miss his larger than life presence.

Pavla Sim



My dear old Topsy (Mrs T) was so, so special. She died in my arms in October last year aged 14.  I rescued her when she was 7 and she was very challenging but turned out to be the most wonderful adorable, funny and delightful companion who I miss more and more each day. One day in the near future I will share my life with another one.



Casey was taken from us in his tenth year on 15th May 2010. I remember that Casey met people when he was in his first couple of years of life and I will always remember that remarkably, Casey would always remember the people that he had met over the years. Casey always made friends with strangers that he met and I don’t think that I know of any dog who had so many friends. Casey had the ability to know the temperament of the type of life situation you were experiencing and was able to turn a difficult situation into a manageable one. We will continue to miss Casey. Casey was a lot of fun to be around!



Our beloved Rory. It is wonderful to see him on the calendar but rather bitter sweet. We miss him so much and still think of him every day.



Lucy with Dorabella, the first Jackson showgirl. She retired to live with Vera Thornton who said she was the most darling, remarkable and most exceptional little dog. We all adored her. (She is the dog on the About Lucy Page).


Millie with Lucy

Milly with Lucy. Jacci calls her the best dog she could ever have wished for.


Georgie was born on the 1st July 2008.She died on the 29th October 2009.

She was very little when she died only one years old. She was very sweet and loving and she was the thing that made me happy.



Soon you’ll be gone; why should I cry?
You’ll always be in my mind’s eye
Just out of sight, obscured from view
When shadows move, I’ll know it’s you
You look at me as if to say
“Our time together slips away
We’ve shared so much; had so much fun
It’s been a blast! You’ve watched me run
And leap and dance, so full of life
I’ve brought you joy; I’ve brought you strife
When my reckless spirit pushed me on
Now we both know, those days are gone.”
Then I reply “Those times I treasure
(being mortified beyond all measure
by your headstrong, fiery drive!)
No other dog seemed so alive!
Laughing with you every day
Joining in your games and play.
Feeling you sleep, head on my chest
No other dog so gentle at rest.”
One day, too soon, I won’t reach out
And rub that wiry, ginger snout
And pull your ears and rub your back
And kiss your nose – all wet and black.
But I wouldn’t change a single hour
I know I’ve done all in my power
To fill your life with love and care
There’ll be no regrets when you’re not there.
I’ll remind myself from time to time
“There was a great dog!
And he was mine!
He’s still here – just out of sight
Racing through the dappled light”

Margaret O’Kane


Holly spent many hours asleep in the arms of our daughter Emily who was her best friend! The other photo is how Holly always was – smiling! She was 9 when she died of a tumour which she managed bravely for months. We all miss her and have lots of happy memories.

Lucy Howard and family.



It was with great sadness we had to say goodbye to our beloved Irish Terrier Brett (but also known as Bobby) 29th January 2005, at almost 9 years of age he was much too young to die, but cancer is no respecter of love or age is it. He was a most gentle little man in every sense of the word, he ‘looked’ after our little Irish bitch Ellie when she first came to join our family, they became good friends over the years.  Two years on we still remember the chap every day.

Fanny & Clover

Fanny Merrington and Clover Crawford were great friends. They always celebrated their birthdays together and sadly died within months of each other. Greatly loved and greatly missed by their families. Fanny is buried in the Merrington garden with all the other Seirios dogs. Dear little Clover was a gentle bitch who coped with an illness with such courage and patience.



Huli lived to be 16. ‘Everybody’s favourite’. She was the foundation bitch for the Inchicore line. She was greatly adored and produced some beautiful puppies. She was a Champion and surely one of the best.

Annie Gabb

Shona & Minnie

Dear friend and Irish Terrier enthusiast died in 2007 after a lifetime of coping with cystic fibrosis. She was a brave and charming person and adored her Irish Terriers Shona and daughter Minnie. She is greatly missed by us all. Anthony says that he is greatly comforted by the two dogs.



Brandy Died 5 th April 2006. A devoted, loyal and trusting companion who gave her all. Gentlest and sweetest and best.

Grafin von Stauffenberg

Grafin von Stauffenberg

It is with sadness that we heard of the death of Grafin von Stauffenberg. She was a famous breeder of Irish Terriers in Germany (the von der Frankenlerche) and loved and did so much for the breed. She was a member of the family involved in the unsuccessful plot against Hitler. Grafin von Stauffenberg was a deeply sympathetic and charming woman who will be sadly missed. Those of us who met and knew her felt it was a great privilege.


15 May 1992 – 5 April 2006


We enjoyed every day (almost 14 years) he was with us.





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