I have three Irish Terriers. Kyrie is the oldest at 12 1/2 years old, Elvis is 12 and Misty is 5. We live in the San Francisco area and I am a board member of our local Irish Terrier club. I am in charge of Trophies and Raffles and I just Love Lucy’s books. She is very much in tune with classic Irish Terrier personalities and behaviors so her books will definitely be enjoyed by our members.
My Elvis is a retired show dog and his name is CH Donedaire The Happy Wanderer and has sired several champion pups. He currently has 4 Great-Grand children showing this year in CA. Last year he had 18 pups in Australia thru AI, one litter of 12, and another of six. The breeder of the pups named one of her puppies “Anluan Holy Moses”. (I think that really describes how you would feel having 18 puppies in one week) Moses won Best Puppy in Show at Perth’s Royal Show at six months old. Misty is also a champion and is still competing, her show name is CH Donedaire’s Enchanted Mist (She is Elvis’s niece).
Yesterday, I heard a high pitched whine coming from the back of the garden and I knew it was Elvis. I went running outside thinking he was injured or sick. I found him in the corner of the yard and all I could see was the end of his little red tail. He had a rat cornered behind some plant pots and the whine was his excitement of the adventure he was having, hunting that wily Rat and trying really hard to catch it. Boy was I relieved and I had to laugh as his face was just covered in dirt and spider webs. I guess he was just doing what comes natural even at his advanced age. I have attached pictures of Elvis and Misty together, Elvis is taller one on right, and then picture of Misty by herself at show in Long Beach, then one of Kyrie visiting Santa.