These pictures are of my 6 month old puppy, Brannighan (see puppy page). We took him to his first dog show (not to be shown) for socialization. Needless to say, he thought he was His Royal Highness and all these dogs were just commoners! 😉 Thought you might like to see him. Please feel free to give me your thoughts on him. He will be shown but not for another couple of months. In a few days he will be 8 months old.
P.S. regarding the trim of the ITs at the show and how short their coats were, I would like to add that I don’t think that is an “American” influence as much as it is the response to NOT having the correct coat. I’m not taking your statement personally as I am not American, however, I asked that question before because I live on the West Coast and when we go to shows on the East Coast in America the coats are trimmed a little differently. The fact is that many ITs do not have the correct coat so therefore they must trim them shorter because if they don’t, the obvious appearance will be a dead giveaway! … two cents.