Jennifer & Tony

Thank you for the lovely newsletters about our wonderful red terriers.

We never cease to admire the great character of this fabulous breed. Our Red is so interactive and tuned in to everything we say and do. A single look or gesture is sufficient for him to understand what is required or what is happening, and likewise we know what he is asking or telling. Every day is a doggy joy. Red loves a visitor and it makes his day when friends call. He is a morning person, ready for some fun as soon as he opens his eyes, but in the evening he retires upstairs to bed and leaves us to the TV !  Too much noise !  Last thing at night he knows to go into the garden for a last wee.

Looking forward to seeing you at the next show. Meanwhile a couple of photos to enjoy. One is Red in the bluebells in the local Cliveden estate (of Profumo fame).

Another is with his ginger stepbrother, Monty, who adores Red. It is reluctantly mutual!

Then himself with an Xmas prop.

Jennifer & Tony


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