We met briefly at the Animals in War service (smooth haired fox terrier called Trevor) and you very kindly gave me a copy of your book; we devoured this over the weekend and just loved it; we intend to give it to my 5 year old niece who lists her favourite things as “animals, books and clothes” – go girl!! She will also love it!
Thank you so much. It was so kind of you and it is a lovely book. I was en route to the Sloan Square Hotel via a dog walk in Hyde Park last Friday (delivering tea to Italians!) and had not realised the service was taking place (we usually attend); we stayed, I cried, especially for the horses and mules; Trevor was sufficiently distracted by the (gorgeous!) mule but asked (repeatedly!) to leave after 10 minutess but I refused and the service was as lovely and poignant as ever. Always love your (Irish) terrier dedication and (as you know) it fits ALL terriers! When the service finished, we continued our plans and Trevor played mad ball games in Hyde Park like a kid let out of school – dogs (especially Terriers?) simply grab joy whenever they can and I know Trevor was celebrating the end of the service – and I am also sure his canine predecessors had the same approach in wartime!
So thank you again and my best wishes as always.