

Dear Irish Terrier Friends

Sadly, I have not been at all well.  It started with a sore throat which went into my chest and turned into this dreadful flu.  I am not use to being unwell and ‘soldiered on’ without realising how bad things were becoming.It all ended with a diagnosis of ‘considerable pneumonia’ and a dash to Lymington hospital.

All the usual procedures, drip, intravenous this and that, tears and exhaustion.  Not a pretty scene!

I am going home tomorrow very chastened and apologetic for having been so ridiculously careless.

Libbs and Marybel are happy as sand boys and I’m so looking forward to seeing them.

With many greetings – it seems ironic that the last newsletter ended on a note of health and

happiness – whoever knows what is around the corner!

With love to the dogs and I do promise a cheery letter next time round.




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