Newsletter – December 2022




My very dear Irish Terrier Friends

The calendars have flown and with each one that we popped into an envelope, we enjoyed (yet once more), the picture of our 2 little Christmas Angels, Ottie and Ella on the front cover.

In fact it has been so hard to give them up, we decided to turn them into a Christmas card and use a little piece about the nativity. I know you will enjoy the joke of the Mick keeping everyone in order around the cradle and especially the Angels “who came to sing”.

Click on image to enlarge

It reminds me of a piece ‘The Terrier’ who says “I’m in charge here, and you must be aware that I deal with every emergency.” Well the birth of a baby is a piece of history in all our lives, but perhaps the Christmas message reminds us that we owe respect and love and kindness to all living creatures. Now we are the lucky ones, we have learnt so much from our dogs, they know instinctively how we feel and what is more, they make us laugh.

Here comes this morning’s joke – I asked Marie if she could kindly push the old wheelchair into the garden room, “It’s not very decorative in the hall” I said, a minute later she went to fetch it and Miss Marybel was already in situ, bolt upright, front leg on the arm rest and ready for the ride. We did laugh, I feel that MB was driving and I waved her off. It’s hard to forget the terrible war in the Ukraine, but we need some Christmas laughter.

This comes with love and blessings to all our beloved Micks and their equally dear families.

Wishing you joy at Christmas joy.



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