IT walk in Cornwall

We wanted to spotight the IT walk in Cornwall and spoke with Mandy Bryant who organises the meet ups.
Mandy says . . .

“I started the first IT walk in 2018, I’m really not sure why, but it seemed a good idea at the time!

We had Clodagh who was 2 and her puppy Breean who was just 6 weeks old and in a puppy carrier. The meet was at the beach on Watergate Bay in Cornwall, and I was late arriving because Breean had been car sick on the 15 minute journey down.

When we arrived and saw about 20 beautiful dogs and their lovely owners waiting I have to admit it bought tears to my eyes. And 6 years on I still have some of the original group joining us regardless of where they live in the country.

The group numbers have more than doubled in size , we have outgrown our venue, which we had moved to Padstow for several years.

We now have people booking their holidays and accommodation a year in advance to join the meet up.

There have been a few incidental spats (Breean!) but nothing major, when the majority of dogs are off leads and just enjoying themselves. One lost dog, but reunited with the group eventually. So with the numbers now at about 45 dogs that’s pretty good going.

We have our own photographer, Nik Hill, with Lynn and his dog Murphy which is a treat.

We’ve now moved down the coast a bit to Treyarnon Bay, where we have lots of space and a great venue for the ever important coffee and cakes. Good news is Breean is no longer car sick!

Organising a meet up in Cornwall seemed a bit of a silly idea but I thought it would be nice to meet some local people. I had no idea it would grow and grow. I’ve made some fabulous and life long friends from all over the country through this and I’m so glad I had the silly idea.”






So if anyone would like to join us, 2nd Sunday in October, meet on the beach!

  Watch some of the fun here. . . ITs vid

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